
A list of fantastic resources and tools which I find helpful as an economic researcher.  This will be regularly updated with new and useful sources that I come across.


A simple book on research design and causality

by Nick Huntington-Klein

A podcast covering all the topics you wanted to learn as an Econ graduate student

How to write a good Conclusion

by Marc Bellemare

Connected Papers - A tool to find similar papers in the field

An introductory book on causal methods

by Scott Cunningham

Top rules of writing a paper, including the Job Market Paper

by Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz

How to give an Applied Micro Talk

by Jesse M. Shapiro

A great interview that offers plenty of advice for graduate students and ECRS

Fundamentals of data analysis and visualisation

How to write a good Introduction

by Keith Head

Elicit - An AI driven platform to find papers and define research directions

A curated list of links by the World Bank on various topics on applied economics research

A simple book on research design and causality

by Nick Huntington-Klein

An introductory book on causal methods

by Scott Cunningham

Fundamentals of data analysis and visualisation

A podcast covering all the topics you wanted to learn as an Econ graduate student

Top rules of writing a paper, including the Job Market Paper

by Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz

How to write a good Introduction

by Keith Head

How to write a good Conclusion

by Marc Bellemare

A curated list of links by the World Bank on various topics on applied economics research

How to give an Applied Micro Talk

by Jesse M. Shapiro

Elicit - An AI driven platform to find papers and define research directions

Connected Papers - A tool to find similar papers in the field

A great interview that offers plenty of advice for graduate students and ECRS