Working Papers
Doctoral Dissertation
Children's time allocation and the socioeconomic gap in human capital (with Nicole Black and Gawain Heckley)– European Economic Review, 2024
Excess healthcare costs of psychological distress in young women: Evidence from linked national Medicare claims data (with Brenda Gannon, Jenny Doust and Gita Mishra) – Health Economics, 2022
Happily ever after? Mental health effects of early marriage in Indonesia - Feminist Economics, 2022. [view pre-publication PDF]
The long shadow of child labour on adolescent mental health: A quantile approach (with Nadezhda Baryshnikova and Terence Cheng) - Empirical Economics, 2022
Do secondary school children stay in school and out of the labour market in the presence of an educational cash transfer? (with Amriza Wardani and Nadezhda Baryshnikova) - Education Economics, 2022
Global priorities for climate change and mental health research (with Fiona Charlson, Suhailah Ali, et al.) - Environmental International, 2022
Can unconditional in-kind transfers keep children out of work and in school? Evidence from Indonesia (with Nadezhda Baryshnikova and Anh Pham) - BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2021 [view pre-publication PDF]
Use of telehealth mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic (with Brenda Gannon) – Australian Health Review, 2021
Descriptive Data Analysis of Inequality of Economic Opportunity using the Queensland Family Cohort Pilot Study (with Brenda Gannon and Vicki Clifton) – Australian Economic Review, 2021
Working Papers
Dreaming big: Higher occupational aspirations from persistent and advantaged kids (with Sonja C. de New, John P. de New and Clement Wong) - View Paper
The effect of birth order on children's time use (with Nicole Black and Gawain Heckley)
Mental health, genetics and labour market outcomes (with Nicolau Martin Bassols, Sonja C. de New, John P. de New and Clement C. Wong)
Doctoral Dissertation
Jayawardana, D. G. (2020). Child wellbeing and economic development: Evidence from Indonesia. PhD thesis, University of Adelaide. [view PDF]